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Film Construction Group Limited (FCG) will maintain a current code of conduct that will be referenced in its contracts with all employees and contractors.


Obligations of FCG:

As a “good employer” FCG undertakes to treat all employees and contractors fairly, respectfully and justly in all aspects of their employment.


This includes:


  • All legislative and statutory obligations.

  • An Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) employer for all staff to ensure there is no inequality in respect of employment of any person.

  • Maintaining a culture which ensures that the best available person for the job gets the job, regardless of their gender, race, disability, religion or sexual orientation.

  • A good, safe, smoke-free working environment that ensures adequate first aid supplies are kept and emergency procedures are displayed appropriately.

  • Support staff professional development to enhance individual and collective performance.  Formally assess staff members against their KPIs on an annual basis.

  • Providing freedom from harassment, bullying and discrimination in the workplace. (Refer to NZAPG Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Policy)

  • Fostering a friendly working environment which encourages desirable behavior and a minimum of stress and disruption.

  • Clear statements of employee’s accountabilities and employer expectations of them with a clear defined scope of duties within position descriptions and KPIs.

  • Will hold a complete, up-to-date personnel file (hard copy only) for each staff member and in a secure manner.

  • Provide staff with the training necessary to enable them to perform their work effectively, including induction, training and retraining.

  • Ensure the privacy of each staff member.


Obligations of Employees and/or Contractors to FCG

In return for their just and fair employment conditions the employees/contractors have an obligation to FCG to:


  • Produce the outputs of work expected of and agreed to by them.

  • Maintain quality standards of performance as expected of them.

  • Follow all lawful and reasonable instructions.

  • Comply with FCG policies.

  • Advise the Executive Producer of any alternative work being undertaken outside of FCGs employment which may include part-time or contract employment that may affect any outcome of the employees/contractors role.



Principles of Conduct

The standard of professionalism and integrity expected of all employees/contractors has been determined by FCG as four main principles:


  1. All employees/contractors must provide a reliable quality service to FCG and its clients.

Any activity which lessens or impairs work performance is a breach of the Code of Conduct.  Examples are:


-           Unreasonable refusal to perform work assigned.

-           Unauthorised absence from duty or poor attendance.

-           Consuming illicit drugs, or being under the influence of alcohol during the course of work.

-           Unsatisfactory work performance.

-           Inappropriate or exhausting secondary employment which may affect the quality of service to the primary employer i.e FCG.

-           Taking any FCG intellectual property and documentation to another supplier/provider for use outside of FCG.


2.  Employees/contractors must ensure that their service is of an acceptable and reasonable standard.

FCG’s integrity and reputation must be upheld by all employees/contractors and never be jeopardised by such misconduct as:


-           Breach of confidentiality.

-           Failure to disclose conflict of interest.

-           Use of inside information for personal gain.


3.  Employee’s/Contractor’s professional and personal activities must not contravene the law.

Breach of the law comes under the following actions:


-           Unauthorised possession or spending of FCG’s money.

-           Unauthorised or irresponsible use of FCG’s property.

-           Unauthorised possession of another employee’s/contractor’s money or property.

-           Use of illegal drugs/substances.


4.  Employees/Contractors must show courtesy and respect to colleagues and clients and create team spirit and harmony among themselves. No form of exploitation or unbecoming behavior of FCG’s employees or clients will be tolerated.  Some examples of this are:


-           Sexual or racial harassment.

-           Any form of bullying or harassment as deemed via the NZAPG Discrimination, Harrassment and Bullying policy.

-           Discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.

-           Behavior which may endanger or cause distress to other employees, or contribute to disruption of the workplace.


Director Chris Sisarich/ Line Production/ Frame By Frame/ SATS
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